BCC says new birth control pill may reduce racism in whites

laboratory technician studies birth control pill

(BERKELEY) Birth Control Corporation (BCC) researchers have discovered a combined hormonal contraceptive (CHC) that appears to lessen the behavioral effects of testosterone in white female test subjects, which contributes to lowering levels of aggressivity and raising levels of racial sensitivity. The prototype, called “groundbreaking” by the team releases the hormones estrogen and progestin into the […]

Rebuttal: Dear impassioned gun control activist

rubix's cube

Join the conversation! We’d love to hear YOUR voice in our new and growing Facebook group. Join the community to share life with us here: Words To The Power Group. This article is a rebuttal to Dear impassioned gun control activist by Sam Valladares. Dear Sam, First of all, I take offense to you generalizing all of us gun […]