Live meditative journal: Genesis

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Here I’ll share the truths and lessons God is teaching me as I read the book of Genesis.

Day 1 / Oct 1, 2021 / Gen 1-3 — God created this entire experience for us. He made the Earth for us, gave it to us, and entrusted it to us, even though He knew in His foreknowledge that we’d take it for granted, disappoint Him, disobey Him, run from Him, and even deny Him. He did it anyway though because He loves us. All He wants from us it to love Him back and love each other… is that really too much to ask?

Day 2 / Oct 6, 2021 / Gen 4-7 — Seth’s birth and generations, and Noah’s ark are both stories of new beginnings, a big theme I see in God’s word. Though the evil of Cain and the later widespread evil of the human race at large would be a hardship on God’s people, God would always find a way to further His plan – which always includes the faithful. So if we’re faithful, trusting in the Lord, He won’t forsake us, and will lead us into our own new beginnings.

Day 3 / Oct 13, 2021 / Gen 8-10 — The deliverance of Noah, and therefore the human race was a multi-year endeavor (though no one knows exactly how long it took). God instructed him what to do, and worked with him in building the ark and capturing the animals. Noah was so attentive to God’s mighty involvement that when he emerged on dry land, he worshipped. This simple act of thanksgiving actually pleased God so much that He would not allow a catastrophe like the flood to happen again. We no longer have to fear God’s wrath, and can instead enjoy His protection as we live by His written word.

Day 4 / Oct 17, 2021 / Gen 11-13 — It didn’t take long after the flood for mankind’s hearts to stray from God. They tried building the tower of Babel to “reach unto heaven”, an act of pride and self-dependence. Because of this, nowadays we have the opportunity to learn many languages. When we do make God our sufficiency and obey, He honors his commitments to us, whether it be a specific covenant like with Abram’s great nation and blessing, or general commitments such as Psalm 29:11.

Day 5 / Nov 7, 2021 / Gen 14-15 — In ch. 14 when Lot is raided and kidnapped, his uncle Abram arms his men for a quest and saves him from his captors. Not only that, Abram brings back all of Lot’s estate. This is not only a historical record, it’s an allegory for God’s promise to us as His people: He’ll never leave us or forsake us (Deut 31:8), so we don’t need to have any fear or feel discouraged. God goes on in ch. 15 to tell Abram that He’s his shield, and promises him security for generations. We can rely on God for all of our needs so why shouldn’t we put Him first in everything?

Day 6 / Nov 21, 2021 / Gen 16-17 — Sarai, who was barren, wanted to have children so badly that she gave her handmaid Hagar to Abram to have child. In this culture since Hagar was Sarai’s property, Hagar’s children would be considered Sarai’s by surrogacy i.e. extension. Bibleref does a good job explaining here why Sarai was “despised in her (Hagar’s) eyes” (16:4) and how this affected Abram (now “Abraham”) and Sarai’s (now “Sarah”) relationship. Though this plan did “work out” in that Hagar conceived, it caused division between them all. God’s plan revealed in Genesis 17 is in comparison to those human-made plans, a much more ambitious one: a covenant where Sarah will be healed of her infertility and become natural mother and a “mother of nations.” The lesson to be learned here is that God’s plans are always more abundant than ours. When we try to figure everything out ourselves and fix everything, we’re unconsciously trying to take God’s job away from Him. Instead, we should invite God – the ultimate planner – into our thoughts, desires, and plans so that He can lead us into fulfillment and blessing. Stop fighting God and start inviting Him.

Day 7 / Dec 27, 2021 / Gen 18-19 — “Is there any thing too hard for the Lord?” This is the message Abraham heard directly from God when he and Sarah were visited by 3 angels. These visitors’ message to them was that Sarah would bear child. Sarah had passed the age where child conception would be possible, so she was very dismissive when she overheard their message. She laughed off the news that she would be a mother, and that’s when God asked Abraham the rhetorical question I led with. Then, evaluating the city of Sodom’s spiritual corruption, Abraham pleads with God not to destroy it if there are righteous people living in the city. God originally says that if there are 50 righteous then He would spare Sodom, but Abraham negotiates God down to 10 (imagine that)! I think this exchange between God and man speaks volumes about how much God cares about each and every one of us. As it turns our there was only 1 righteous person left: Lot, and the next day Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed along with all of the wicked people therein. Thankfully God warned Lot of the coming doom and even expedited him and is his family out of the city when Lot hesitated. While fire and brimstone are reigning down on the cities, Lots wife disobeys God’s instruction to not look back at the city and thus turns into a pillar of salt. She longed for the ways of the world even in the moments God was saving their lives. This is a lesson to us to seek God in everything we do, remembering that He loved us first.

Day 8 / Feb 4, 2022 / Gen 20 — Our heart is transparent to God: He sees all the integrity or evil that lies therein. Abimelech is given a 2nd chance by God to make things right with Abraham, but only because he took Sarah based on false information given deceptively by Abraham, who lied because he thought his life was in danger. Abimelech was confronted by God in a vision, and he gave Sarah back to Abraham along with resources, and in turn he and his house were healed of their health afflictions. When we make mistakes God always knows why: whether we’re doing it out of desperation, temptation, idiocy, or hate towards Him (the last of which is the most severe), so it’s good see an example of God judging someone fairly rather than wrathfully (which is how many people think of God). Furthermore, we know that in today’s age of grace we can have forgiveness if we come to God openly and honestly with our faults and ask for forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

Day 9 / Mar 6, 2022 / Gen 21-22 — Isaac, the promised son, is born and Hagar and her son are cast out on God’s orders, much to the chagrin of Abraham, who cared for his son. In the wilderness Hagar and the son had difficulty surviving, but when they were out of options God came to the rescue, delivering a well of water. God consoled Hagar, and made a promise to her which is the same one He made to Abraham: that this child will be made a nation, because he is Abraham’s son. The son grew up and married and became an archer. The path he led aligned with the promise of God. Abraham takes his son Isaac up to the mountain for a burnt sacrifice as God instructs, but when he was seconds away from going through with it God sends an angel to stop him. God never intended Isaac’s death. He saw that Abraham’s heart was to do whatever He instructed, and that gives weight to why Abraham is recognized as a faithful believer in Hebrews 11. Because of Abraham’s commitment to God, God was committed to blessing Abraham with descendants “as the stars of heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore” (a great number of them) that will have victory over their enemies and many blessing. It’s amazing the enduring impact the actions of a single person who puts his or her faith in the Lord can have.

Day 10 / May 5, 2023 / Gen 23 – Sarah passes away at 127 years of age and Abraham takes great care and respect in arranging her burial. The love he shared toward is wife echos the love Christ shares toward us, as the church is his bride. God says in Psalm 116:15 “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints,” and here “precious” means “costly.” Each one of us has a purpose in the church. God values our contributions, strengthens us to reach our potential, and supports us so that we can live long, fulfilling lives.

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