4th of July

American Flag
4th of July American flag
4th of July American flag

Happy 4th of July, Americans! For the average American this is the perfect day to celebrate our independence as a sovereign state and our individual liberties. It’s out of respect and admiration for liberty of the individual that the colonies united to accept the Declaration of Independence, and formally adopt it on July 4th, 1776.

If you’re an American, celebrate your freedom, celebrate your history, and celebrate your future. There’s always something to complain about, but today let’s rest. Let’s by choice fall on the side of thankfulness. Our political and ideological differences, our worldly lashing out, our criticism of the status quo – these can be saved for tomorrow. We are family, and though families at times fight, families also love.

Happy Birthday, America

Now’s a time to muster inspiration from the exploits of your fathers and use it to help pave a brighter future. One day our progeny will look back on today like we look back on yesterday and pride themselves in the independence that we chose not to take for granted, in the freedom that we chose to defend; in our fortitude, in our endurance, and in our spirit.

It’s the 4th of July. So Happy Birthday, United States of America! May you have another free and prosperous 239 years!


History.com. (2009). July 4th. Retrieved from


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