BCC says new birth control pill may reduce racism in whites

laboratory technician studies birth control pill

(BERKELEY) Birth Control Corporation (BCC) researchers have discovered a combined hormonal contraceptive (CHC) that appears to lessen the behavioral effects of testosterone in white female test subjects, which contributes to lowering levels of aggressivity and raising levels of racial sensitivity.

The prototype, called “groundbreaking” by the team releases the hormones estrogen and progestin into the human endocrine system, which chemically react with testosterone in an oxidation-reduction reaction that offsets the circulation of testosterone. The pill has been unofficially named the “blue pill” by the researchers.

These results were found in humans in the third phase of a seven-year study to develop new multi-use hormonal contraceptives that additionally target potentially harmful and offensive attributes of human behavior, such as “intolerance” and “aggressivity.”

Early results of the birth control pill were found in mice in 2014, where both white male and female subjects demonstrated less dominant and territorial behavior, and were 40% more likely to socialize with other mice species.

Lead researcher Dr. Emanuel Mann claims that these results seem to suggest that while originally intended for use by biological females, the blue pill may show similar results in human males, though it’s still too early to tell for sure.

Research for the controversial project has received support from Planned Parenthood, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and George Soros.

Jim Matrix is a staff writer for Words To The Power. Contact him on Twitter:


Animal Corner. (n.d.). Mice. Retrieved from https://animalcorner.co.uk/animals/mice/

Dunn, Kyla. (n.d.). How do hormones work? Frontline. Retrieved from https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/nature/etc/hormones.html

Options For Sexual Health. (n.d.). Safe, affordable and effective. Combined Hormonal Contraceptives (CHC). Retrieved from https://www.optionsforsexualhealth.org/birth-control-pregnancy/birth-control-options/hormonal-methods/combined-hormonal-contraceptives

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